Why I'm Voting Cliff Bentz for Congress
Cliff Bentz is the right man for CD2
Here's why I'm voting Senator Cliff Bentz to represent Oregon's 2nd Congressional District in the US House of Representatives:
1) It's extremely difficult to be a career politician in Oregon because state legislator is a part time position with minimal compensation. Our citizen legislators, Cliff included, spend 75% of their term in the real world with a regular 9-5 living with the consequences of laws they voted for (and against). Congressmen need to understand public policy not just on a political level, but in the real world, and Senator Bentz's tenure has given him just that experience.
2) Cliff is a relationship builder, as you can see with his mind-blowing list of endorsements from County Commissioners, Sheriffs, and State Legislators. Getting a bill past 435 Congressmen, 100 Senators, and the President requires allies, and Cliff has shown he has the talent to bring together a wide array of people for a good cause.
3) Cliff holds his grounds. As a professional policy analyst, I'm used to viewing legislation from a value-neutral point, but I have never seen a more foolhardy policy proposal than cap-and-trade. As one of the #Oregon11, Cliff risked everything to safeguard rural Oregon from a killer blow.
4) I got to know Cliff in 2019 when we worked together to pass the first substantive reforms to statutes governing Oregon's only translator district (in 40 years!) where I am employed. Cliff was willing to listen to a small part of his constituency who was ready to put in the work to make life better for our community. Together we got 2 reform bills to pass unanimously in the Senate, both of which were signed into law by the Governor. These bills are already having an impact in northeast Oregon during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Fighting for a bold, conservative, and pragmatic agenda is difficult, especially in Salem, but there is nobody in the race close to being as qualified to represent rural Oregon in Congress. I urge all of my Republican friends to vote for him this fall.